Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Winter Chills

Sometimes you have these weeks that are full of crazy fun stuff and you realise that life is full of fun and games and it just couldn't be better. 
And then for some reason or another you get a week which is really just dreadful. 
Nothing seems to work out and although you try and keep yourself busy it seems as though you are stuck in some sort of emotional cold fridge and can't get out. 
In these weeks you feel continuously cold and chilly, your feet never seem to warm up even though you are wearing forty-five pairs of woollen socks, and you hair all week seems to look lank and sad even though you wash it all the time. 
I don't know whether to blame it on the incoming winter weather or just my own emotional whirlwind tornado that is destructing my limp being.

For probably good survival reasons, the winter months make us want to curl up infront of a warm fire with some dark chocolate to dip into our tea and pretty much either sleep the wintery days away or just lie there infront of the fire doing nothing until spring gets going.
Now don't get me wrong, I love winter, the mist, that when you drive through late at night is like sheets of weird and wonderful clouds that afterwards make the air apear so fresh and clear, and my birthday's in winter so that can't be a bad thing.
And I love all those things that you get to do in winter like walks in gumboots with so so many wooly layers on that you looks like a weird material tree just bumbling along; and the fact that you can roast marshmallows and drink so much tea that a lot of your day turns into running for the toilet.
It's just that sometimes the cold doesn't work in your favour and you're

left feeling a little mopey and confused. 
And I think this is ok, it would just be nice for it to go away and leave me able to enjoy the chill and apple cakes to myself.

Love always Katie xx

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