Monday, August 13, 2012

Obsessions of a Teenage Melodrama

Weekly Obsessions... Try it On

Other than the rather splashing (especially dashing) Marlon Brando in On the Waterfront thoughts have turned to the rather clever but exceedingly daggy poncho.
 As I personally have never been afraid to wear such a previously unfashionable item, their sudden popularity is unsurprising to me. Poncho's are the rage of the age! And that has set me wondering whether 'daggy' is the new 'cool'? Since forever being daggy was it's polar opposite and was chosen by uncool people (me) as a way of actively avoiding the popularity rat race. One must note that Cynicism is over rated, yet preferable to try hard coolness.... here think DARIA...(just act as dead pan as possible). 
Yet Poncho's to me seem a harmless new addition to being trendy, as they're rather woolly and over enveloping, tending to lump it over the better half of one's body.
 As a bonus there is no need for near nudity!
Unless of course you are sporting the string variety, quite popular with 00's crocheters. 
Poncho's, besides their obvious attraction as a highly patterned 'cover it all' are a darn sight useful. They can double as a impromptu picnic rug, tent, sun hat, towel, wash cloth etc.... it's up to your imagination! They are also really great to dance in, as they tend to limit wild hand movements and cover the hesitant starting dance shuffle. Ex American President Bush, not my preferred person at the best of times, has accurately demonstrated my favourite the 'it's alive, it's alive' move! I find that it tends to happen to poncho novices.
So I will happily raise my glass with poncho lovers world wide and recognise the value of a truly multi-talented yet fashionable item! Try it on!

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