The other day I caught a bus on which the bus driver was singing along to the radio. Rather than thinking that she was odd I thought that it was wonderful how joyful she seemed, which does not often happen among bus drivers. Rather than listening to my iPod for the hours trip I decided to listen to the drivers music instead. Her joy seemed to envelope the whole bus and I heard multiple people singing along under their breath. So why don't we sing in public all the time? I don't because I think people will think that I'm weird. But truth be told I am weird. Besides I will probably never see any of those people again so why does it matter? Imagine if everyone sang in the streets, talked to strangers and laughed openly at every funny thought they had. Don't you think the world would be a better, happier place? My advice? Next time you feel like singing at the top of your lungs; do it. The chances are you will make peoples day a happier one. Even if you don't you'll still have something funny to tell your friends about!
love this, gem xx